I had surgery about 3 weeks ago and everything went well. We got to see the baby before and after surgery, which is very lucky because my cnm only does it once and actually told them she didn't want an ultrasound she only wanted the fetal heartbeats. I was so happy that everything was okay with our baby and that baby was still moving around after surgery. I was in a little bit of pain after surgery and got really sick 3 days after, even while taking my non-sick medicine. Anyways I also had some other problems and had to go to the emergency room 3 times. Every time I went I felt like they thought I was overreacting and didn't take my problems seriously, but I really was having those problems and pains. I have felt very frustrated and I don't feel like ever going in again even if I get really sick. I even feel that my CNM thinks that I am overreacting. Pregnancy is not my thing. People are always telling me that oh you'll want another one after this, but I don't think they understand how sick and complicated my pregnancy has been thus far and I am not even half way. Another one would be nice but I cannot stand being this sick and taking care of another child. I can't do anything when I am sick. And the medicine they give me is crap and makes me feel like I am going to pass out, and I am not joking about that. I only take it when I have to, really have to. But at least I can talk to someone who knows what it is like, my poor unlucky sister too.
We will be able to find out the sex of the baby in 5 weeks:) Maybe they will even cut my due date down a little bit!!