* she is a full on walker, no more crawling!
* she knows what a cell phone is for and will mimick talking on the phone by picking up things and putting it to her ear and talking
* she follows Brody everywhere and likes him to chase her
* pretends to brush her hair
* can say eat, no, hi, mama, dada, yay
* loves the stairs and crawling all the way up them
* tries to walk down the stairs (scary!)
* loves to feed others
* loves to clap and say yay
* hands things to people
* rolls around on the floor and kicks her feet for fun
* started sucking her thumb this month
* likes to climb onto things and get into drawers
* super shy still towards people she doesn't see daily
* still a mama's girl
Brody says "Eyla" for Beyla. It is super cute! He likes to play with her but can be really rough with her. They are so fun to watch grow up together!