I had surgery about 3 weeks ago and everything went well. We got to see the baby before and after surgery, which is very lucky because my cnm only does it once and actually told them she didn't want an ultrasound she only wanted the fetal heartbeats. I was so happy that everything was okay with our baby and that baby was still moving around after surgery. I was in a little bit of pain after surgery and got really sick 3 days after, even while taking my non-sick medicine. Anyways I also had some other problems and had to go to the emergency room 3 times. Every time I went I felt like they thought I was overreacting and didn't take my problems seriously, but I really was having those problems and pains. I have felt very frustrated and I don't feel like ever going in again even if I get really sick. I even feel that my CNM thinks that I am overreacting. Pregnancy is not my thing. People are always telling me that oh you'll want another one after this, but I don't think they understand how sick and complicated my pregnancy has been thus far and I am not even half way. Another one would be nice but I cannot stand being this sick and taking care of another child. I can't do anything when I am sick. And the medicine they give me is crap and makes me feel like I am going to pass out, and I am not joking about that. I only take it when I have to, really have to. But at least I can talk to someone who knows what it is like, my poor unlucky sister too.
We will be able to find out the sex of the baby in 5 weeks:) Maybe they will even cut my due date down a little bit!!
Thanks for the advice, I will be sure to follow it. We are given challenges to help us grow, of course for you the growing will probably occur once the challenge is over. That is okay! You may or may not want another one, I think that you will know if and when you are done and other people cannot determine that answer for you. I love you sis, keep it up! (I know how it is to feel like others think you are overreacting, you just go in and demand answers. In fact, if you have to go in while I am there I will help you.)
Good job Autumn, I am so glad to see you on the blog, and getting all those thoughts out in the open, if we could just send them to those physicians and make a difference.How out of control you can feel during this time.
Oh my friend, I am so sorry that you are going through such a tough time! I wish so much that I could take it away from you! I am so grateful that the surgery went well and I pray that this pregnancy will go quick for you! I can barely wait to get my hands on that little sweetie! I miss you and think about you often. Please know that you are in my prayers! We love you!
I wish I could take all your yuckyness and pain away! I wish I could be with you. Have your family take tons of photos of you!!! And post them!Love ya
Hi Autumn, I really miss seeing you! You are such a beautiful person! You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday! I was sick like you are during all of my pregnancy's. I was on medication all through my pregnancy's. I could not even keep water in me. When I was in my last 2 months of my pregnancy I had some major Gall Bladder attacks also. I felt like I was going to die. When Laurie was 4 months old I had emergency Gall Bladder surgery that was just terrible and had to be hospitalized for over a week because of complications. I was Breast Feeding Laurie so I had to keep my milk by expressing 3 times a day in a dixie cup. It was interesting! Then when I was pregnant for my son I was sick through the whole pregnancy, even vomiting during my entire labor. It was a 17 hour labor. So I know that you are very sick, and I can really tell you I have an idea of what you are going through. Just hold your stomack and remember that you are bringing into the world a special spirt that only you can do. I love you and can't wait to see you again and feel your sweet and loving spirt that you have. Hope you will feel my love through this message! Love You, Linda Schmelzer
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