Saturday, July 6, 2013

Beyla 6 month checkup

Beyla had her doctor appointment for her 6 month shots and check up last week a few days before she turned 7 months. 

Her stats are:
Weight: 16lbs - 30% 
Height: 26.5 inches - 30%
Head circumfrance: 17.25 inches - 65%

She is still such a mama's girl. She doesn't have stranger danger anymore! She crawls backwards. She gets very frustrated trying to move forward. She tries to pull herself up to standing. Loves her brother and her dad. Talks a bunch of baby gibberish. Says mamamama when she is upset. HATES being in her carseat and hates when we drive in a dip or over a bump. She has perfected her cry so right away it sounds like she's been crying forever, with tears and everything. She likes to grab faves and kiss/eat them. She is a midget and I have to put a box under her feet in her jumpy so that her feet touch the bottom. She loves pop music. 

Brody loves his sister but really likes to try and throw things at her. He is getting better at playing make believe, which is really good. I feel bad that I have sooo many pictures of Beyla but Brody won't stand still for pictures of he gets mad at me for taking pictures of him. I do have thousands of pictures of him though so I don't feel to guilty.