Friday, November 14, 2008


Hello Everyone!
Thought I would update you all on how we are and what is going on with us.
We are doing fabulous not to much going on. I am having surgery on this Wednesday the 19th to get my gallbladder removed. It will be a super simple surgery and I will be going home the same day. I am just excited to get it finally over with!
I am still sick and this is about the time normal pregnant woman get over morning sickness, but lucky me I might have it until the day I deliver:) I still hate being pregnant, I do not find anything wonderful about it. Only 27weeks left.


Pout In Beads said...

Hey Girl, glad to read your update. I was wondering how things are going. I hope everything goes well with the surgery. Send me an e-mail to let me know how you are. Miss you!

Munson Family said...

I am glad you finally wrote,I know you have more to say.I love you, and I wish I could do more to make you comfortable.

Amber said...

Hey, I loved talking to you. You can post just for me ;)! Oh, and I created a new blog just for my thoughts. You should read it, it might make you laugh: