Thursday, February 14, 2013

2 month check up and shots

Beyla had her two month checkup today, although she is 2.5 months. I didn't think about it being Valentines day when I scheduled the appointment. She pooped through her clothes in the waiting room- so we were off to a good start!
She got her shots and that was horrible! She cried so hard and was so sad! For almost all day(up until a couple hours ago) she hasn't let me put her down with out screaming! She's been sleeping most of the day as well, I think because of the trauma from the shots.
Dr. Hale said she is doing amazing and right on track, no concerns at all with her. Beyla was so funny, Dr. Hale put her down on her tummy(which I don't do much because she HATES it) and she popped her head up and kept it up so she could look at me. She is so strong!! Here are her stats:

Weight: 11lbs 12oz - 5th percentile
Height: 22inches - 30th percentile
Head cir: 15inches - 15th percentile

*coos & does little giggles
*always smiling
*holds her head up all the time by herself
*grabs onto things
*trying to reach for things
*tracks things with her eyes

1 comment:

STAYC @ Lacy and Crew said...

UGH - I hated the shots too. It seriously makes me question my judgement about them... at any rate - she is so little and cute! I love what you post on Vine. I'm too scared to post anything on there until I can make my profile private (which is funny since I blog my life).