Monday, July 6, 2009

2 months old

Yesterday was Brody's 2 month birthday! I cannot believe how fast it has come. He is such a sweet baby. He definitely has his own personality now. I love him to death!! Everybody that meets him falls in love instantly. My little brothers and sisters love to be around him and try to kiss him all the time.

He is now almost 8lbs. He is still on oxygen, though very little of it. He has some of the nicest specialist doctors. And they are very helpful and tell us a lot of information about what to expect. He is very strong and very far along especially for a baby with down syndrome. He also has an excellent team of ladies that come help us with physical therapy or whatever he needs. We are so VERY blessed to be able to have him in our family. I am so happy and can't even imagine my life with out him. He is the most perfect little boy in the world!!

I love waking up to him. He is so happy when he wakes up. He looks up at me and smiles and laughs. It is so fun to watch him sleep, even sometimes sad because he cries in his sleep. I always wonder what he is dreaming about that makes him cry. He has these funky noises he makes that freak us all out. It almost sounds like he is gasping for air but we are pretty sure it is just acid reflux and have to go for more testing to find out the severity of it. Poor little man has gone through so much. He always is getting poked and prodded at all bazillion of his doctor appointments. He is such a trooper through all of it!


Munson Family said...

Isn't he just the sweetest yummiest baby!He is Grandma's little guy.I wish I could be close to sweet little Emily to,but I will just have to send love from a distance. Thanks for the update Autumn.

Amber said...

I love Brody! Hooray for pictures!

Pout In Beads said...

He's soooo handsome Autumn! Thanks for updating us with pictures of the little guy. He's so precious and I love reading about what he's doing. Can't wait to meet him!

ChanFam6 said...

I love peeking at him every week too. He is such a beautiful baby. You seem so happy and are just the cutest little mom ever. Thanks for sharing his pictures.