Sunday, July 5, 2009

Brody James Carbajal

On May 5th 2009 at 2:30 am I woke up with some pretty strong contractions. I went out into the living room and sat there for awhile and timed them. They were strong and only a couple minutes apart. At about three I decided to call my mom and ask her what she thought. When I called her she told me that I should probably go over there and if I needed to I could go to the hospital from there. I woke Raul up and we headed over there. I was also throwing up along with the strong contractions, which is no fun. We got to my mom's and I walked around the couch for a little bit and had to throw up a couple times. My mom decided that I should probably go to the hospital because I could be getting dehydrated.
We arrived at the hospital around 5 am. I was in a lot of pain by then. They had checked me and I was 5-6cm. I decided that I couldn't stand the pain and told them I wanted an epidural, even though I had really wanted to try natural while I was pregnant. So they told me that they could put in an IV but that I had to wait for my CNM Georgianna to get there so she could check me. It seemed like it took FOREVER for her to get there. But it really didn't. Brody's heart rate was dropping quite a bit and they were getting nervous and even thought that they might have to go a C-section. When Georgianna got there and checked me I was fully dialated and I was ready to push, no epidural for me!
I started to push at 5:58 and had him at 6:02 am. He weighed 7lbs 2oz and 21 and 1/4 inches. It was amazing that it went so fast! And I was really glad that I ended up not having an epidural. When Brody was born he had a hard time breathing. I remember them putting him on my chest and I was rubbing him because he was still blue and then they grabbed him and called the NICU nurses up. He was having a hard time breathing. They had to give me so pitosum and pain medicine afterwards because of a problem with the placenta.
When they told me they thought that he might have down syndrome I was really not there. I couldn't fully understand what they were saying because of the medicine. They then rushed him to the NICU and Raul went with him. I wasn't allowed to go up there until I ate something. And I was soo worried about Brody.
I finally got to go up and visit him. It was so sad because he was under an oxygen tank and had IV's in him. He was so little and cute! I really wanted to hold him. I was able to stay in the hospital for 3 days so I could be there with him while he was in the NICU. And I also was sick.
He was in the NICU for 10 long days. I was they all day and most of the night. The last two days we were able to stay in a transitional room with him. I was so stressed that he wasn't going to be able to go him because the first day in the transition room he lost weight. But he ended up gaining a little bit and got to go home. We were all so excited! We love him VERY much and are so blessed that he is in our family!


STAYC said...

Way to go girl!!!! He is an adorable baby! I love the name Brody! I'm so excited for you!!! Congratulations!

Mr. Darcy, Ms. Elizabeth and the 7 that follow said...

Autumn- YES!!! It is I, your slothful cousin, wishing you and Raul the happiest of CONGRATULATIONS ever! We are so happy that baby Brody is in your family! Oh the things I am excited to share! Mostly how very blessed your life will be with Brody! I have been working on something for you, as well as I am sending you an outfit I bought for Brody! Please be patient with me! My mom and family just moved back, so I am coming back to life! I want you to know how very happy I am for you and Raul and I know the blessings that will come from such an amazing spirit in your home as Brody! I will be talking to you soon, but in the meanitme, forgive my slothfulness and know that I love you!!!
Love, Fawn :)