Thursday, August 9, 2012

To test or not to test...

When we found out that we were going to have another baby we had talked a lot about if we were wanting to test this pregnancy for down syndrome. While we didn't test for it when I was pregnant with Brody, instead we got an amazing surprise! This time around we decided that we wanted to test, not because we would terminate our baby if we found out that she has down syndrome because we would NEVER do that but because we wanted a little heads up incase we got another little blessing with down syndrome. We have done all the testing and everything has come back normal no elevated risks or reasons to do the amniotic fluid testing.

This pregnancy was very hard at the beginning because I have HG (hyperemisis gravidarum). I was VERY sick for the first 16 weeks. I was on anti nausea medicine that did nothing but make me sleep all day besides throwing up. It was very hard on me because I was not able to be a mom to Brody at all. The only thing I could do was lay in bed or run to the bathroom and puke. I finally was able and am still able to get it under control with some VERY strong anti nausea medicine. I wish I could completely be of the medicine but the most I am able to cut it down to is half a pill at night and half in the morning. If I forget to take it or take it to late I get sick. Hopefully, maybe!, closer to my due date I can completely stop taking it!!! Anyway here are some pictures of my little love Brody.

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